I think I am done

 Do you ever find yourself exhausted? Not just tired, or it's been a busy week, but weary to the point of wanting to lay down and never get up again? 

I have hit that level of exhaustion this week. I am overwhelmed with all of my life right now. There is not one area that is easy or simple. Don't get me wrong, almost every area is AMAZING. I have a wonderful family, my kid is the best daughter a mom could ask for, my job is a blessing, and my friends are great. Nothing is bad, but something is definitely wrong. 

I crave simplicity. If you knew me, you would know how silly that idea is. There is nothing about me that is simple. Yet, I have this deep desire to have very little pulling on me, to live a simple life where I spend time with Jesus and in what matters. Do you think that is what life looked like before sin got in the way? Everything wasn't so dang complicated? We lived with simple goals, expectations, and desires? 

I am tired of complicated. I am tired of running, hoping I can catch my breath around the bend. 

So what if I stop running? 

What does it look like to say no to the pressures of the world? For every bit of my abiding to come from Jesus and nowhere else? It probably isn't realistic to stop running all at once unless you own an island and can just move there and not leave a forwarding address. 

But what if today I do one thing that is an act of treason against the pace of this world? What if I choose one thing that flies in the face of "rush, hurry, and more"? I think I would like to do that. I think I will do that. I think I will start right now. 

Want to join me?


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