Being Boaz

I started reading through the New Testament last November/December.  I didn't have a goal for each day just time in the Word.  I could stop as many times as needed or reread a chapter if I felt like I needed to.  Instead of a Bible study which is topic based (not knocking those, I am a big fan) I felt like I needed to take the verses in groups.  I needed to read what Jesus said all together; to not just enjoy one verse but to see what led up to it and what came after it.  This was very eye opening and a huge builder of my faith.  Once I read all the way through I thought I would go to another part of the scriptures (Psalms, Genesis) but it didn't feel right, so here I am reading through the New Testament again.  I am craving the Words of Jesus.

This morning I began with Matthew 1 and as I was drawn to the fact that Boaz's mother was Rahab.  First, I love that she is included in the lineage of Jesus.  He didn't come from perfect people or the queen of the land.  He came through incredibly imperfect people who choose Him over everything else.  I also thought about what that must have been like for Boaz.  I am not going to pretend that because this happened hundreds of years ago that kids were any different.  I am sure that Boaz dealt with his fair share of meanness from other children that knew his mother's lifestyle before the fall of Jericho.  I am sure that just like it would be today, Boaz's elementary and middle school years could have had some bullying in them.  

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

See, Boaz always seemed like a Superman character to me, this grand man on his horse riding in to save the beautiful and desperate Ruth.  Now in my mind I see a man that knows what it means to belong somewhere but not feel like he belongs, to know the cruelty of people and the sting of rejection.  I see a man that rose above his possibly troubled youth to become a hard working, wealthy field owner.  This is the man that I see extend grace to Ruth.  The one to make sure that his workers watched over her and took care of her.  I wonder if he saw a younger version of his mother in her, a young woman doing all she could to provide for her family (in this case Naomi, her mother-in-law)?  I see him doing what 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 says, reaching out in the comfort that he has received to comfort another in their affliction.

I love that the verse says that we can use the comfort that we received from God in our personal affliction to comfort others in any affliction.  Maybe the thing that we are experiencing right now is going to be useful not only in our lives but in the lives of others that will need comfort.  

This week I am going to think about how I can be a Boaz to someone.    

Well, time for work.  Thanks for joining me for my Monday morning thoughts.  I hope you have a wonderful day!  


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