Faith Receives... Doubt Loses

Isn't that the truth?  I am currently reading the book James Mercy Triumphs by Beth Moore.  I adore Beth Moore.  I love the fact that she loves the Lord and loves His scripture.  I wish I knew her.  I would love to be in a weekly study with her.  I am sad to say I do not have the DVD's for this one. I will miss her voice and her looks of compassion and sincerity as she looks at the women in her group and teaches from a place of overflow in her heart.  It is just me and the Bible and the book this time (still not a bad way to roll!)  Anyway, back to the book. God has brought me back to the book of James in the Bible over and over in the last few months so when I saw that she had a study on it I knew it was the one for me.  I am only in the second week of the study but I am already greatly appreciating the approach to James.  She and her daughter (love that too!) give such wonderful background information on who James was.  I find that learning a person's history takes us miles ahead in understanding and relating to them.  I just read this quote and it stuck with me and I wanted to share it with you.  Blessings on you today wherever you are in your journey.  I'm praying that as you walk you choose faith...

With a Thankful Heart,


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