Not My Home...

This week it has felt like the darkness is winning.  I am not sure why but I have felt like I am trying to walk through dense fog in deep mud.    You cannot turn on the television without seeing some horrifying murder or shooting.  Then today, TODAY, a man opens fire in a Kindergarten classroom.  I am physically sick and completely heartbroken for those families.  I can barely see through the tears to type this.  Oh Lord, please come back and end this.

What is the thing you are supposed to do?  What is it that God has put on your heart?  Who do you need to forgive or apologize to?  We are not promised tomorrow.  We are not promised tomorrow for ourselves and we are not promised tomorrow with our loved ones.  I am praying that I may be able to minimize all the things that are unimportant so that I can focus on the things that are eternal. 

In the end this is yet another reminder that this place is not my home.  My prayers are with those that have lost their dearest children today.  Oh Jesus please help…


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