My Delight is in You

This morning at church we sang a song by the Passion Band called “My Delight is in You” (by the way, if you don’t know who Passion is I would fix that right away… amazing music!)  Anyway, we sang a song that we have sung before but this morning the lyrics seemed so close, if that makes any sense. 

I generally cannot sit still during worship.  I sway/move to the music and many times will raise my hands to the Lord.  When I do this it always feels like I am doing it to express honor/awe and give glory to my Jesus.  

However, this morning it felt completely different. 

We were in the middle of the song and I am singing with all of my heart.  As we get to the chorus I raise my arms and begin to sing the words, “here I am, open arms, draw me close to Your heart, You’re my life, You’re my refuge, my delight, my delight is in You, my delight is in You”.  In that moment I had the most surreal feeling.  I felt as though I was lifting my arms to my Daddy, the way my three year old lifts her arms to me.  It felt as though He was standing right in front of me and I lifted my arms and He picked me up and held me close.  I haven’t ever felt that way when praising God during musical worship.  I always feel, well, worshipful but this time I felt a deep loving and an intense feeling of being cherished. 

I know that one of my favorite things in the whole world is to pick my Bug after she has had her nap and get the first cuddle.  She will stand in her big girl bed and raise her arms up as high as she can.  I swoop down and gather her close, breathe in the scent of her and it feels like my heart joins with hers in those few moments.  The connection of that embrace is powerful.  

THIS is the feeling I had this morning. 

I wonder how often God waits for us to lift our arms to Him and call out for our Daddy.  Yes, if you have read other posts on my blog you know I feel that reverence of God is vital to a healthy walk with Him.  I am not saying to focus on just one side of His multi-faceted personality but I did experience a part of God’s Love in a way that I had not experienced before… and it was precious.  As I sang the rest of the song with tears in my eyes I fell a little more in love with Jesus. 

Have you ever experienced anything like this?  I would love to hear more in my comments…

The Lyrics to My Delight is in You by The Passion Band:

My delight is in You
On Your word I set my heart
You are peace, You are calm for my restless soul
You light my way through the dark

I want to know You even more
Holiness is my desire
Purify, burning me, come and make me clean
You refine me in Your fire

Here I am, open arms
Draw me close Your heart
You’re my life, You’re my refuge
My delight, my delight is in You
My delight is in You

My delight is in You, Lord
You’re the treasure I have found
You’re the rock where I stand
I will be moved
All my life is in Your hands

What I found is a new love
All about showing you Jesus
Oh I found You, spring up from who you are love
All our days left, all our days left, Lord

Find us far
My heart toward desire
Is to be holy
Set apart for You
I choose to be holy
Set apart for You my master
Ready to do for You

Here I am, open arms
Draw me close Your heart
You’re my life, You’re my refuge
My delight, my delight is in You
My delight is in You


Southern Gal said…
A few years ago a woman who was like a grandmother to me passed away. She was truly a saint of God. While we were all standing in her living, her breathing machine was turned off. As she took her final breaths in this life it was almost as if I could hear the angels of Heaven singing a welcome song. At the same time it was as though my Heavenly Father reached down his comforting hand and placed it upon me. It truly was beautiful.
Another One said…
Southern Gal, thank you for sharing such a sweet and precious story. What an honor to be part of such a beautiful moment. I completely believe we are given these glimpses into Heaven, what a loving Heavenly Father we have. Blessings to you!

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